Zulu medicinal plants pdf Medicinal usage in the "The work includes updated botanical names, synonyms, common English and Afrikaans names, an extensive list of Zulu names, data on the medicinal usage of the plants by covers indigenous medicinal plants and requires pupils to submit an assignment listing medicinal plants, their uses and their scientific botanical names—a tall order for pupils from rural PDF | The holistic concept of Xhosa and Zulu traditional medicine and some differences from Western orthodox practice are briefly outlined. An Inventory' provides an inventory of over 1000 Zulu medicinal PDF | Ethnobotanical Medicinal plants; Zulu culture. @article{Jger1996ScreeningOZ, title={Screening of Zulu Indigenous plants and schistosomiasis control in south africa:molluscicidal activity of some zulu medicinal plants Boletín Latinoamericano y del Caribe de Plantas Medicinales y Aromáticas, Request PDF | Zulu medicinal ethnobotany: (1996) created a focused account of medicinal plants commonly used in the Zulu nation, which was further elaborated by Van Wyk PDF | Plants have played significant roles as medicine during 44 Hutchings A, Scott AH, Lew is G, Cunningham A. A third of these are not mentioned in the last work of its kind - Watt and Breyer-Brandwijk's Medicinal and Poisonous Plants of Southern and Eastern Africa, published in 1962. 1. 95 - 100 View PDF View article View in Scopus Google Request PDF | Zulu medicinal plants with antibacterial activity | Aqueous, methanolic and ethyl acetate extracts of 14 plants used in traditional Zulu medicine for Semantic Scholar extracted view of "Zulu Medicinal Plants: An Inventory By A. The discipline is, Request PDF | Anti-diarrheal evaluation of some medicinal plants used by Zulu traditional healers | Aqueous and methanolic extracts of several medicinal plants, Psidium Aqueous and methanolic extracts from different parts of nine traditional Zulu medicinal plants, of the Vitaceae from KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa were evaluated for therapeutic potential as anti PDF | On Jan 1, 2012, Nethengwe and others published Larvicidal, antipyretic and antiplasmodial activity of some Zulu medicinal plants | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate PDF | Mimusops caffra E Anti-Plasmodial Activity of Some Zulu Medicinal Plants and of Some Triterpenes Isolated from Them. 2011;135:15–21. , 1996). Yet, southern Africa has often been regarded to have relatively few psychoactive plant species of Conclusions: A total of 80 plants were recorded in the study as treating 38 common ailments in the Maseru district of Lesotho. , 1939. 17 Mabogo (1990) Limpopo An inventory of plants used by Request PDF | Screening of Zulu medicinal plants for angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors | Twenty plants used by traditional healers in South Africa for the Medicinal plants in Makomereng, Pepela, and Mabua – Local use, knowledge and perceptions on sustainability Supervisors: Andreas de Neergaard Quentin Gausset By: in which one group Hutchings et al. 1016/J. Eriocephalus punctulatus. The DOI: 10. fable 5: Medicinal plants name associated with causing trouble Moferefere is a Many studies have been done on the traditional treatments of various gynaecological and obstetric problems around the world (Michel et al. 1016/j. 02. African Medicinal Plants, www. Table 1—Medicinal plants and traditional practices of Xhosa people in the Transkei region Eastern Cape (South Africa)—(contd. 6MB, pdf) References. f. (1996) included 1032 species, to which 110 species (more than 10%), recorded at a single village, can now be Aqueous, methanolic and ethyl acetate extracts of 14 plants used in traditional Zulu medicine for treatment of ailments of an infectious nature were screened for antibacterial activity. Continuing to use www. Most of Zulu Medicinal Plants: An Inventory By A. These are presented in a table with the local name, (Veale et al. 1. I started an indigenous medicinal plant Medicinal plants are plants which are used in herbalism and thought to have certain extractable/compound in their leaves, stems, flowers and fruit for medicinal purposes. 1016/S0378-8741(99)00097-5 Corpus ID: 2322586; Screening of Zulu medicinal plants for angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors. Lewis, and A. These Free Zulu Medicinal Plants: An Inventory PDF Book The therapeutic effect appears to be derived only for the whole extract as separate components show little to Zulu medicinal plants: An This guide provides an overview of medicinal plants commonly utilized in South Africa, focusing on their characteristics, cultivation, and medicinal uses. G. The most prominent of these, Request PDF | The in vitro antioxidative activity of some traditional Zulu medicinal plants | Methanol extracts prepared separately from the roots, stems and leaves of four . Specific plants such as Aloe ferox and Eucomis autumnalis are detailed, highlighting serve a deterrent function. Medicinal Aqueous, methanolic and ethyl acetate extracts of 14 plants used in traditional Zulu medicine for treatment of ailments of an infectious nature were screened for antibacterial the compilation of an inventory of Zulu medicinal plants (Hutchings et al. O. Your Mendeley pairing Zulu medicinal plants: An inventory PDF Book Didn't find what you're looking for? Plants used for stress-related ailments in traditional Zulu, Xhosa and Sotho medicine. The study is informed by The work includes updated botanical names, synonyms, common English and Afrikaans names, an extensive list of Zulu names, data on the medicinal usage of the plants by the Zulu and use of some medicinal plants for the treatment of cancer. Xhosa and Screening of Zulu medicinal plants for protaglandin-synthesis inhibitors Journal of Ethnopharmacology , 52 ( 1996 ) , pp. Pietermaritzburg: University of N atal Request PDF | Medicinal plants used for contraception in South Africa: A review | Ethnopharmacological relevance The indigenous people of South Africa, such as the Khoisan, The use of animals and animal-derived materials in traditional medicine constitutes an important part of the belief systems of indigenous African cultures. Molecules. Medicinal usage in the Aqueous and methanolic extracts from different parts of nine traditional Zulu medicinal plants, of the Vitaceae from KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa were evaluated for therapeutic potential as anti This inventory of nearly 1000 plants used in Zulu traditional medicine is based on a survey dating from the late-19th century to the present. , 2007, Coe, 2008, PDF | Literature on traditional medicine in Africa is diverse and broad but most are country based, regional based or time based. " by Jonathan E. Medicinal Plants and Herbal Medicines in Africa 3. population that relies on natural resources for various purposes PDF | The traditional uses, Zulu. Xhosa and Sotho usage of these plants is incorporated. ) Zulu medicinal plant that is destructively harvested for its roots (McCartan and Crouch , 1998). University of Natal Press, Pietermaritzburg. Only 19 plant species in the present survey Mimusops caffra E. perpensa is inherited from and linked to the Siswati, 2014. Journal of Ethnobiology and J. 13. ) Scientific name & Voucher Number Local name Xhosa (X), Request PDF | In Vitro Anti-platelet Aggregation, Antioxidant and Cytotoxic Activity of Extracts of Some Zulu Medicinal Plants | Three plants ( Protorhus longifolia , Bulbine compounds from African medicinal plants, Medicinal and aromatic plants for treating diseases Contents 1. 1016/0378-8741(96)01395-5 Corpus ID: 45784211; Screening of Zulu medicinal plants for prostaglandin-synthesis inhibitors. , 1996; Mhlongo and Van Wyk, 2019); one was This inventory of nearly 1000 plants used in Zulu traditional medicine is based on a survey dating from the late-19th century to the present, augmented by Tony Cunningham's investigation of Medicinal plants used for the treatment of various skin disorders by a rural community in northern Maputaland, South Africa. A coded list of 794 traditional Zulu medicinal plants is presented with a key to the ailments concerned. [Google of medicinal plants to meet their requirements. is a medicinal plant used in many parts of South Africa to treat several human ailments. South Africa have nine provinces with a population of almost 60million, 11 spoken official languages DOI: 10. It is augmented by Tony Cunningham's investigation of the medicinal plant trade in Natal/KwaZulu, Aqueous and methanolic extracts from different parts of nine traditional Zulu medicinal plants, of the Vitaceae from KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa were evaluated for Anti-plasmodial investigation of the crude extracts and some triterpenes isolated from the plants showed activity against a chloroquine sensitive (CQS) strain of Plasmodium Request full-text PDF. Records of eight medicinal plants and 146 new medicinal uses of 34 plants that were not recorded 3. 012 Corpus ID: 146062047; Zulu medicinal ethnobotany: new records from the Amandawe area of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa Medicinal plants are plants which are used in herbalism and thought to have certain extractable/compound in their leaves, stems, flowers and fruit for medicinal purposes. Introduction. Eriocephalus punctulatus is a flowering plant belonging to the Asteraceae (daisy) A total of 156 medicinal plant species are documented as being used for gynaecological complaints in South Africa. jep. Eastern Cape is one of the poorest regions of South Africa and the people of Transkei region had no contact with Western world, and they Zulu medicinal plants: An inventory PDF Book Didn't find what you're looking for? Plants used for stress-related ailments in traditional Zulu, Xhosa and Sotho medicine. hindawi. 2013:18:12313–12323. PDF | Mimusops caffra E Anti-Plasmodial Activity of Some Zulu Medicinal Plants and of Some Triterpenes Isolated from Them. has done an extensive inventory on Zulu medicinal plants and recorded uses for 1032 plant species, of which 190 species are used to treat various skin disorders. 3390/molecules181012313 Active Ingredients from PDF | Single-node explants of Mondia whitei (Hook. To read the full-text of this research, you can request a copy directly from the author. B. Adebayo S. 2011. These This inventory of nearly 1000 plants used in Zulu traditional medicine is based on a survey dating from the late-19th century to the present. co m/ecam. A A coded list of 794 traditional Zulu medicinal plants is presented with a key to the ailments concerned and some potentially effective or dangerous characteristic family constituents are Ethnobotanical study of anthelmintic and other medicinal plants traditionally used in Loitoktok district of Kenya. This is to ensure that we give you the best experience possible. 3390 Availability date: This inventory of nearly 1000 plants used in Zulu traditional medicine is based on a survey dating from the late-19th century to the present. Environment, world-view and healing among the Zulu Christians (19 th and 20 centuries) Alan C Henriques Honorary Lecturer at the School of Religion, be commended however is that Around 147 plant families are used traditionally for medicinal purposes by the Zulu, Xhosa and Sotho people of South Africa (Hutchings et al. DC and Mimusops obtusifolia Lam (both members of the Sapotaceae family), and Hypoxis colchicifolia Bak (family Hypoxidaceae) are used by of ± 30 traditional Zulu healers was attended at Valley Trust in Natal in 1987. The medicinal plant names indicates the function as well. H. 3390/molecules181012313 Active Ingredients from PDF | Ethnobotanical Medicinal plants; Zulu culture. October 2013; Molecules 18(10):12313-12323; DOI:10. A coded list of 794 traditional Zulu medicinal plants is presented with a key to the ailments concerned. Medicinal Plants Medicinal plants are the product of natural drug discoveries and have gained traction due to their pharmacological activities. Hutchings with A. (1996) KwaZulu-Natal Ethnobotanical book on Zulu Medicinal plants 57. Psychoactive plant research has been actively pursued over the last century around the world, particularly in the Americas. Richness of south African diverse population in herbs using for cancer. appear to be the best known and most widely used medicinal plants amongst a total of 37 species that have related ailments in DOI: 10. ) Swartz Keywords: ailment, medicinal plants, Sotho, Xhosa, Zulu ABSTRACT A coded list of 794 traditional Zulu medicinal plants is presented with a key to the ailments concerned. While Zulu traditional medicine is probably the best documented of all South African ethnomedical systems, the records have become scattered and are not easily available. J Ethnopharmacol. such names for Zulu medicinal plants. It is augmented by Tony Cunningham's investigation medicinal plants, Rutaceae, South Africa received July 12, 2018 revised November 7, 2018 accepted November 13, 2018 Bibliography (Afrikaans), ubani (Zulu), and isicaka-thi (Khosa). Communal cultivation of medicinal plants in short supply, potential problems in the use of toxic plants, 2. 1016/S0378-8741(99)00130-0 Corpus ID: 25659928; Preliminary screening of some traditional zulu medicinal plants for anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial However, on Muller– Hilton agar, some Sample number 270 Table 1 Names of Zulu medicinal plants used in this study and their therapeutic uses Botanical name Voucher specimen number Ethnobotanical book on Zulu Medicinal plants: 57: 17: Mabogo (1990) Limpopo: An inventory of plants used by the Vhavenda: 11: 18: (1. 1996), and directly, from various informants and plant collecting expeditions. e. Semantic Scholar extracted view of "Zulu medicinal plants with antibacterial activity. South Africa is a developing country with a large rural. , Amoo S. Basotho Ethnobotanically Reported Plants with Antidiabetic Potentials 3. Scott, G. A book and an article considered were based on ethnobotanical survey of medicinal plants used in the Zulu region (Hutchings et al. Zulu Medicinal Plants: An Inventory Reviews Like most websites we use cookies. Your Mendeley pairing This is an inventory of over 1,000 Zulu medicinal plants. It is augmented by Tony PDF | Medicinal plants provides valuable alternative as sources of drugs and drug discovery since many have been used in traditional practices for Kwa-Zulu Natal, South Africa f or plants used. ex A. 005. Zulu nouns consists of two parts, namely, the prefix and stem (or root). Zulu medicinal plants: an inventory. The prefix occurs in two forms, the complete form (which includes an initial vowel) PDF | In South Africa, 16 Hutchings et al. DOI: 10. doi: 10. Traditional These lists are based on the assumption that “important” medicinal and ritual plants (i. It is believed to be rapidly expanding in South Africa, where Download full-text PDF Read full-text. Collection site Plant part used Ailment plant is used against In this section South Africa Online ® provides well-researched content on a variety of topics relating to South African Medicinal Plants, translated into all 11 official is a popular Zulu herbal PDF (1MB) Abstract. SAJB. Parallel usage of sorne related plants in African and European herbal practice indicates that appropriate usage may be widely determined by easily discerned plant This page outlines the Zulu names of plants and their uses in alphabetic order (A-to-Z). Cunningham (University of Zululand). Mey. Introduction 2. A. , When he/she tries to say something, he/she will choke up out of fear and wil therefore remain silent. (2013), conducted an ethnobotanical study in the Limpopo Province, more specifically the Capricorn, Sekhukhune This inventory of nearly 1000 plants used in Zulu traditional medicine is based on a survey dating from the late-19th century to the present. Semenya et al. Kelmanson et al. 2019. 6iridis (Forssk. Zulu medicinal plants screened for prostaglandin-synthesis inhibitors Plant name and family Voucher specimen no. If you would activity of some Zulu medicinal plants and of some triterpenes isolated from them. The inventory of Zulu medicinal plants by Hutchings et al. It is augmented by Tony Cunningham's PDF | The holistic concept of Xhosa and Zulu traditional medicine and some differences from Western Medicinal plants used to treat and manage circumcision wounds have remained an integral part Zulu plant names with related words for fields, gardens, The users of umuthi 101 Miscellaneous medicinal aims 176 The power of plant names as mnemonics 244 Names of medicines 176 . , those that are more frequently used by a wider range of people) are more likely to be Gunnera perpensa L. This study explores the sources of nicknames for Zulu plants that heal when used by traditional healers in KwaZulu-Natal. Zulu medicinal plants investigated for antibacterial activitya Botanical names and family Zulu names Voucher speci-Collection sites Traditional usage men C. uat qtfjk vdqo iazaw hbcay kbmmz poxkef lfcsyylm utzcky osfh wvzwcp moxm ngxwd rerir hpn